New Moral Order™


Definition of the term “National Usury”




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Summary Definition of “National Usury”

National Usury is a private central bank’s fleecing of a national economy and its people’s wealth through the illicit practice of charging interest on the creation of a nation’s money or on its borrowing of money.

Full Definition of “National Usury”

National Usury is a private central bank’s fleecing of a national economy and its people’s wealth through the illicit practice of charging interest on the creation of a nation’s money or on its borrowing of money.

‘National debt’ is largely the interest paid on the creation of a nation’s money by private (central) banks, plus compound interest charged, and any subsequent borrowing required to cover missed payments, or to respond to wars, economic collapses or other national or global challenges, almost all of which is cited by insiders as having been orchestrated by “those who hold the purse strings”. All wars are bankers’ wars.

Why the Banksters Manufacture All Wars

Wars are without doubt the banksters greatest friend. By 1914, Britain still hadn’t managed to pay off its loans (interest) from the Napoleonic Wars, one hundred years before. By 2000, Britain still hadn’t paid off its loans (interest) from WWI and WWII. Just think about that.

A huge proportion of all taxes – the earnings of hard working middle class and working class people in the UK – for the last two centuries, has been placed straight into the grubby little hands of the central banksters, by those who are supposed to be representing the people, but are in fact bought-and-paid-for puppets of their central banking masters.

These globalist families, which control the criminal financial system, make sure that all politicians and civil servants who are decision makers for economic policy, are either bribed, blackmailed, or simply onboard in the fleecing of the people by this economic wolf in sheep’s clothing.

The people never want a war. It is only the parasitic class and the banksters within organised psychopathy who revel in war and violent revolution, for the profit they produce and the chaos, death and destruction they bring, which aids in their globalist, geopolitical ambitions.

Again, to understand why wars ever take place in the modern world, you simply need to remind yourself of the truism, “all wars are bankers’ wars”, and keep reminding yourself of that fact until it really sinks in.

If each war required a referendum of the people, in order to be initiated by the State, there would be world peace tomorrow, and forever more.

Compromising the Weak Politician but Killing Those Who Refuse to Sell Out the People

Likewise, in the history of democracy, the people have never once voted for private banks to profit from the creation of a nation’s money, but that did not stop this ‘thievery at source’ becoming the economic standard throughout the world.

The reason for this is quite simply because key politicians throughout history have been repeatedly and consistently compromised by those who control the private central banking system, in order to establish privately owned central banks in each and every nation.

These private banks are purposefully named in such a way as to con the public into assuming that they are owned and controlled by the nation (the Bank of England, the Federal Reserve etc). These privately owned and managed institutions totally control each nation’s money creation, and then in turn, the level of interest due on that money (interest rates) to be paid by the nation’s people to the private banksters.

National Usury is essentially the fleecing of a national economy, and thereby the fleecing of its peoples’ wealth (earnings, savings and assets).

Many famous politicians and statesmen have been assassinated, or had assassination attempts made against them, simply because they stood for and with the people, against the establishment of a private central bank and against National Usury within their own country, or because they took steps to close a private central bank or to bring to end the National Usury that had already been established by earlier corrupted politicians.

Some notable examples of these champions of the people who were assassinated for their stance against the usurers and central banksters robbing the people, include Julius Caesar, King Charles I, Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte, British Prime Minister Spencer Perceval, US President Andrew Jackson, US President Abraham Lincoln, US President James A. Garfield, Emperor Nicholas II of Russia, and US President JF Kennedy.

Military Coalitions and Communist Revolutions – The Banksters’ Tools for Installing Central Banks

Nations that have refused to install a private central banking system and the National Usury it imposes on a nation’s people, have become the target of military invasion or revolution, orchestrated and funded by the banksters.

Perhaps the most major examples of these central bank orchestrated and funded conflicts are: The English Civil War (1642-1651), the American Civil War (1642-51), the 1812 War between Britain and America, the Napoleonic Wars (1799-1815), The Russian Revolution and counter-revolution (1916-17) and the Second World War (1939-45), all of which can be proven to have two things in common: one side had rejected and/or closed down a private central banking system prior to the conflict, and the central (international) banksters had subsequently promoted and actively funded each war.

Once again, whether instigated for the purpose of expanding the central banking system, or simply to reap the financial profits, we are reminded of the well-versed phrase “all wars are bankers wars”.

To further illustrate the systematic use of military forces (under private central bank control or influence) to invade and destroy nations that oppose the private central banking system being imposed upon them, the following is a list of the only 7 countries in the world in the year 2000, which refused to accept a private central bank and its system of National Usury: Afghanistan, Iraq, Sudan, Libya, Cuba, North Korea and Iran.

Then came 9/11, and subsequently the only major war in the ensuing years, which resulted in the invasion and destruction of Iraq and Afghanistan. Surprise, surprise, both these countries immediately had a private central bank installed. This left only 5 countries in the world by 2003 that refused to accept a private central banking system: Sudan, Libya, Cuba, North Korea and Iran.

Following this, the Sudanese Civil War was orchestrated, in order to ultimately impose ‘the Comprehensive Peace Agreement’ (2005), which simply established private central banking control and National Usury on Sudan.

Then in 2011, the bankster-controlled forces of NATO invaded Libya, facilitating the assassination of its incredibly popular leader Muammar Gaddafi, who had been planning to establish Africa as the first continent to completely free itself from private central banking control. Yes, that’s the real reason for the invasion of Libya and the murder of Gaddafi.

Following NATO’s invasion of this sovereign nation (not its first or last), can you guess what happened? Yes that’s right, a private ‘Central Bank of Libya’ was installed, which immediately started charging the Libyan people National Usury interest on their own money from day one.

This meant that by 2011, there were now just 3 remaining countries in the world that refused to accept a private central banking system and National Usury: Cuba, North Korea and Iran.

Is it any wonder that central banking-controlled politicians and media have relentlessly attempted to start wars with Iran and North Korea since 2011.

Indeed, the only major western politician who appears to have gone off-script in regards to considering war against these nations as being a necessity is Donald Trump, who has made it abundantly clear that he is no fan of orchestrated wars, and no fan of any globally-controlled business or globally-controlled economic systems. The central bankster war machine hates Trump (from the faked ‘Russiagate’ to the weaponised legal charges to his attempted assassination), and Trump’s (the Peace President) record to date clearly appears to show that he appreciates the military but hates the war machine.

Is it starting to make sense? Yes, all wars are indeed bankers wars. Given all the evidence, only a fool could possibly believe otherwise.

You Are Owed Many Hundreds of Trillions of Dollars in Repayment and Compensation

Once you know about National Usury and begin to understand the extreme economic destruction that it imposes on every nation that it infects, and you learn about the millions of people who have died in countless wars and revolutions that were orchestrated and funded by the central banksters, you realise that not only must National Usury be utterly eliminated, but that a monumental financial debt is owed to the people of every nation.

The people (that’s you) have been forced to pay for many decades – or even centuries in the case of Britain, the US, and European nations – via taxes, towards interest rates and a national debt that have been entirely manufactured out of thin air, and imposed on the people and on sovereign nations through the practice of international organised crime (Fifth Column Globalism) and the complete infiltration and corruption of government, the legal system, and the democratic process.

However, before the people can go after the historic money that has been stolen from them, they must first – peacefully, lawfully and democratically – take control of their own money creation, and close down all the private central banks. This is imperative and cannot be sidelined, because this money is still being stolen from you every single day that you continue to allow these private central banks to exist.

The problem is that all compromised politicians (which is practically all of them) and all mainstream media companies without exception (because they are all compromised), are ordered never to question the private central banking system’s control over each nation’s economy, or its robbery of the people through National Usury. Thankfully, there is a way to overcome this censorship (see ‘There is a Solution’ below).

Any single politician who attempts to undo or even loosen the private central bank’s stranglehold on the people’s money is extremely vulnerable to political pressure, personal intimidation, or worse.

As with all the problems that our society faces, politicians can only implement ground-breaking policies if there is a constant and increasing public pressure to do so. It is the people who ultimately have the capacity to end National Usury, and only the people.

After reading this, you must make a commitment to talk about ending National Usury with everyone you know, and you must demand that your political representatives support this paradigm shifting economic change without reservation.

Taking Control of Your Money & Your Sovereign Nation’s Economy

The people of every nation need direct control over the creation of their nation’s money, with absolutely no interest rates payable.

• Every nation must create its own money, interest-free.

• The people must have full share ownership of their nation’s money.

• All national debts to private central banks must be eliminated.

• All interest on money creation ever paid to private banks must be repaid to the taxpayer in full.

The choice is a simple one. Your nation must destroy National Usury before National Usury destroys your nation.

There is a Solution

If you understand how implementing this policy will instantly transform your nation from being a basket case to being a prosperous utopia, it’s time to move it forward in a real way.

By becoming a member of the New Moral Army™, you will be supporting the only movement that is dedicated to promoting this game-changing policy. Scroll down or go to to discover more, and find out how you can support the movement.

See more important new definitions
of words and terms for a better society
at the New Moral Order™ Lexicon.



The New Moral Army™ movement, via social media and the New Moral Order™ website, will be exploring the truly incredible social advantages of abolishing National Usury, and thereby freeing all people from the millstone burden of the private central banking system’s national debt slavery, orchestrated inflation, and illegitimately imposed currency and loan interest.

You can follow the posts, podcasts and social media at

Total Universal Compensation (TUC)


Abolishing National Usury is one of the three paradigm-shifting and monumental political, economic and social policies promoted by the New Moral Army™.

Visit to find out more about the game-changing aims of the New Moral Army™ and how to join if you want to play an active role in the greatest social movement in human history.

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New Moral Order™
Peacefully • Lawfully • Democratically

